Group Tickets
Group tickets

We are able to offer local sports clubs, schools, community groups and companies discounted tickets for members to experience Blaze hockey at a discounted price
Prices are dependent on group size and preferred match.
Whether you’re bringing your friends, sports team or employees we will do our best to accommodate you at a great price.
Simply email us at to get a quote.
If you do choose to join us for a game, if you’d like, we’ll give your group a shout out over the P.A. system during the game!
School and Business Ticket Partnerships
As part of our sport in the community programme, for selected games, we’re able to offer discounted tickets for pupils, families and employees associated with schools and local businesses.
We can send offers out via email, for eletronic distribution, or we can provide leaflets to be handed out.
If you’re associated with a school or local business and would like to speak to us about this, please email us at to get added to the promotions list.